Laundry Stains: Out! Out! Damn Spot! My Quest For Spray ‘N Wash
Then I start the actual wash cycle.
Here is where the fun begins…After each load is finished, I inspect each garment thoroughly before it can go in the dryer. Spots dried in by the dryer are likely permanent. And that, my friends, just won’t do. So the freshly washed yet still stained clothes go into another pile. I usually end up with more piles of laundry than I did when I started.
It’s sad, really. I could use two entire bottles of Spray N’ Wash Dual Action Oxy Power Stain Remover on one single load of laundry. And that stuff ain’t cheap. And they have stopped carrying it at Target or anywhere else. I am heartbroken. Truly.
Do you know how hard it is to find a good stain remover? It’s like finding a good hairdresser. Once you get one, you will use nothing else. Did I mention that my hairdresser closed up shop and I haven’t had a haircut since last December? Yeah, just like that.
I do not want to go through the pain, anguish and expense of trying out new stain removers only to find that they don’t get the job done and I am left with yet another pile of stained but freshly washed clothes. It’s horrible. This is why my house always looks like the aftermath of a natural disaster. I have piles of everything everywhere. I hate it.
First, Spray N’ Wash discontinued the fizzy laundry booster tablets {Those little suckers ROCKED!}, then they got rid of the In Wash Laundry Stain Remover, forcing me to use that Oxy-Clean liquid crap. Now they have taken away my beloved Dual Action Oxy Power! Let’s not forget that Biz Bleach has been discontinued. I have nothing left to use! Oh, the humanity! However will I get the stains out? My daughter will have to go to preschool nekkid.
I think I need a company like Shout, Zout or Spray N’ Wash to sponsor me on this quest. They could give me a 2 year supply of stain removers/laundry additives to test out. I could tell them what works and what doesn’t. It would be a win-win. They would get a much improved product line and I would get something I dream of: Truly clean laundry.
I think that is a fair trade for a virtually free product tester/ walking, talking Consumer Reports article, don’t you? I think it would also be helpful if they threw in a set of those snazzy LG front load washer and dryers. Hey, I need the proper tools for the job, right? It’s all in the name of science and making better consumer products. I could single handedly make doing laundry a breeze for everyone. That alone is worth the LG set, isn’t it?
Category: Thoughts
I am of the belief that cleaning is evil and created by men!
OH my good luck half the time I turn stuff into rags because I can't get stains out. have you tried the tide bleach stick?
I hate stains and WANT that stuff! PS come be OCD with my laundry. 🙂
Twist my hands or hips or something and SHOUT!
Twist my hands or hips or something and SHOUT!
Heh interesting. And as for it being created by men. Prolly. But my husband does ALL the cleaning so that makes me happy.
You crack me up! I'm a little OCD as well, so I understand. 🙂
They definetely still sell Spray n' Wash Dual Power Stain Remover at Walmart…I just saw it
Stef @
I am a straight shout person now…although I do have my spray with shout and dump oxyclean powder right on the spot and toss it in moments. My daughter is so messy and she is 5, I hate the light load the most, but I have to say I haven't had real issues with my new Electrolux W&D…like magic!
This makes me wanna SHOUT!
Okay, I'm going to get kicked out of the asylum for this I know, but I am a huge fan of soap [bar, dail pump, whatever] and cold water, oh, and one of those scrubby nail brushes. It works 99% of the time for me, even when a stain has set. Of course, for hubby's grease stains it's hot water and all of the above. Or maybe I am just that cheap. =)
Okay, I'm going to get kicked out of the asylum for this I know, but I am a huge fan of soap [bar, dail pump, whatever] and cold water, oh, and one of those scrubby nail brushes. It works 99% of the time for me, even when a stain has set. Of course, for hubby's grease stains it's hot water and all of the above. Or maybe I am just that cheap. =)
Okay, correction – dail should be dial. lol
Okay, correction – dail should be dial. lol
I hear ya. Aint been to a hair stylist in almost 6 months now and the locks are beginning to look it.
You sure you're wanting a front loader washer? There's extra steps in cleaning those buggers so the towels dont come out all moldy-smelling….
you shoud get oxi clean. it works much better.
.-= laundry room ´s last blog ..Contact US =-.
Hey! Don’t you guys have a river and a rock?
Just kidding. Your blog is really entertaining … a discovery in our quest for the surviving Dual Power Spray & Wash. Did the company explain why they discontinued this product? I suggest that we search the globe for all remaining bottles and run an auction for the OCD cleaning goddesses. The proceeds can go to a Ph.D. who can counsel all recovering OCD cleaning goddesses.
LOL Why thank you, I try. 😛
As for the company explaining why it discontinued the Dual Action? I saw nothing. It was there and then it was gone. I have seen a few bottles on e-bay, but they were expensive. I’m not sure even a Ph.D could cure those of us who feel the insane need to “Out, out! Damn spot!” I would be happy with laundry stain remover that worked, came in the family size as the norm and didn’t cost an arm and a leg. 😀
I am with you 100% on this one. I was a faithful user of the Dual Action (really, nothing else worked!) and even got a few other Mommy friends hooked. I was beyond ticked when I was no longer able to find it in any store.
Please let us know if you hear anything else as to why they decided to get rid of it, or if you find something that works 1/4 as well (for that matter!)… thanks!
I, too, LOVE spray ‘n wash oxyclean dual power. It got out anything! Even old stains! I hate that they discontinued it. One thing that I have found that comes close is Tide Stain Release that comes in the spray bottle. It actually works pretty good on old stains. I tell ya, I hate it when companies get rid of my favorite cleaning products!
I haven’t seen the one in the spray bottle. I have the fizzy tablets, but I haven’t seen the Tide Stain Release in the spray bottle. Could I just use the liquid I already have and put that in a spray bottle? LOL
I finally ran out of my supply of the green bottle Spray n Wash and got stuck with the new stuff – Resolve. They said its the same formula as before, but if that’s the case, WHY DOESN’T IT WORK AS WELL? The old stuff would take out just about everything from grease to blood stains after sitting on it for 15 minutes. This new stuff doesn’t work for diddly. The company’s response? To take out grease stains, use the laundry stick AND the max power… now I have to buy two products instead of one? I will try every other product on the market before I use their stuff again.
Yeah, I hate it. I find something that works and they discontinue it. I have found that Mostenbacher’s Lift-Off works well on some things, but you can’t use it on every fabric. Although it will get paint out of your rug in a New York Minute.
They have several different formulas for different stains, but it’s expensive and I can only find it at Home Depot.
I just now am getting low I’ve stocked up and I got the resolve but it did nothing! I am going to buy the resove and oxy clean and spray them on together and see if I get the same results! Anyone else try this yet?!!!
Let me know how that works. I am literally going out of my mind trying to find a stain remover that works. It’s why I wrote the post in the first place.
You can still buy Biz oxipower on Ebay!!!
Yes, I do know how hard it is to find a good stain remover, or for that matter one that even works. The best one I have come across is My Clean Shirt. Here is the link: this stuff has got ever stain I have used it on so far, I bought a jar about six months ago and I still have half a jar left.
I hope this helps, Kesha
I just now found out that the Dual Action was discontinued because I always bought it @ the PX on the Army bases and I guess that they has a stockpile of it somewhere so I am glad that I have been able to buy it up until this month, I did, however, find it available for purchase on for $4.19 if you are willing to spend that much, shipping is free on order over $25.00.