{Asylum Announcements} And A Poll

[ 10 ] July 25, 2010 |

Hello there Inmates! How have you been? I know, I have been neglecting my bloggy. I’m sorry. I have been busy making other people’s blogs look pretty. And getting them from one blogging platform to another. That is not simple. It takes time and a lot of hard work.

And creativity.

You can’t just switch that on and off like a light. No, creativity comes when it comes.

If you try to force it, you will find yourself staring at a computer screen with a headache and bleeding eyes.

And confusion.

The kind of confusion that leaves you unable to remember how to make boxed mac ‘n’ cheese.

I’m not kidding.

{If you or anyone you know would like a new blog design– Blogger or WP– or to switch from Blogger to WP, let me know. I need more work}

I want to announce that I will hopefully be bringing back Shan’s Week~End Wordles this coming Saturday.  I was recently given the link to a new wordle engine and it’s FABULOUS. You can make shapes and really customize this one. I’m in love. The only problem is that you must have Microsoft Silverlight installed on your computer and mine is having issues. I get errors each time I try to install. I have a help ticket in right now and I am anticipating it being all fixed before the weekend.


Go here and familiarize yourself with the tagxedo wordle engine so you can use it on Saturday for Shan’s Week~End Wordles.

For the poll…

I am doing research and would like to know what toy or toys you think are going to be the must have items for Christmas 2010. Please leave your answer in the comments. And also let me know if any of you want to participate in Shan’s Week~End Wordles this Saturday.

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Category: Asylum Announcements

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (10)

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  1. Amanda says:

    Lego Star Wars III and Call Of Duty: Black Ops are going to be big video games with the teen/adult set. We’ve already got them reserved through Amazon to be guaranteed copies when they come out in Fall. Oh, and Star Wars Force Unleashed II.
    Amanda recently posted..20 off Entire Purchase at UltaMy Profile

  2. nicóle says:

    Oh gosh I’m never really good at this.

    I know my kids love legos.

  3. Henrietta says:

    It’s all Xbox 360 and Wii video games here too. I know not really any help! Sorry!
    Henrietta recently posted..Gorgeous pink sunset and an old fashioned yard sale treasureMy Profile

  4. Katie says:

    I got nothing. If I had to guess, the biggest things would be toys that haven’t been released yet – like a new Elmo or new Wii/Xbox game or a new something like the Zhu Zhu’s that came out of nowhere.
    Katie recently posted..Awards Galore!My Profile

  5. Toys? Oh I am bad at this since my daughter is 3yrs old and David is only 15 months. They only play with a few things and we don’t really go to the store to see other things.

    I think that educational wooden puzzles are wonderful for my kids (like Melissa & Doug).

    And perhaps train tracks and magnetic trains for David. I know Magneatos (the extra large ones from Guidecraft) are a huge favorite of David’s.

    And as for the Wordles….I was on there and was having trouble figuring out what words to put in there or how to get it to scan my site to make the wordle. Maybe I am just too distracted
    Annie @ Mama Dweeb recently posted..Barilla Share the Table with healthy pasta dishesMy Profile

  6. Um, whatever I buy them? LOL We wrap everything. Every crayon box, every sock package, lip gloss, everything. Even on “broke” years in the past, it always felt like a lot. We celebrate it all, and it’s become quite fun. 🙂
    Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting recently posted..TenMy Profile

  7. I am gonna say those damn new zhu zhu pets! They are great and fun, but the whole thing (the mazes and tubes and stuff) are just messy and break apart to easily! UGH! But, I fear those will be totally popular. Good thing my kids already experienced them! Ha!

  8. Faythe says:

    I really not up on the toys until I read about them…
    as far as your wordle game, sorry my brain can’t wrap around it, sweetie… otherwise I would be playing already… my head, not your problem..

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