Category: Politics
Obama Is An Elitist Snob?!
This is just too funny not to post! I love The Onion, but Obama will ruin this country if he gets elected. Just sayin’. [youtube=]
Mama Moon Bat And The Economic Rescue Plan
I am just so infuriated over this, I can’t write about it. Fortunately, my Big Bro over at Hard Reset, wrote something I agree with so I have quoted him below: Well, it was all set, even the GOP members said it was a done deal and they had enough votes to pass the 700 […]
What Really Caused The Mortgage Meltdown?
This video upset me because it lays partial blame on former President Jimmy Carter, who I think is a great man — just not a great President. But if everything in here is true, then the Democrats — and many others — have some ‘splainin to do. And doesn’t everyone want to know what really […]
From The Free Range Stupid…
I got this comment today on my post about Sarah Palin: The baby has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, not Down Syndrome. And actually reading your blog, you do seem dumb enough to believe whatever crap Palin/McCain put out there . ~Anonymous Wow, so you are saying that Sarah Palin is a raging alcoholic? REALLY? Because, you […]
What Is A Flurge?
Sarah vs. Hilary…SNL style. Where they answer the age-old question, what is a flurge? Was SNL actually funny for once? Why yes, yes it was. I bet that’ll never happen again.
9/11…I Remember. I Will Never Forget.
I remember waking up that morning at 6 am to get ready for work, turning on The KTLA Morning News, as I did every day, and seeing these images: At first, I thought it was a clip from some new action flick, so I didn’t really pay much attention. I kept going about my morning, […]
Sarah Palin: Political Pit Bull Or Hockey Mom?
Republican Presidential nominee John McCain threw us all a curve ball by announcing Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate just before the RNC. I applaud this decision. I must admit, I was afraid at first that this appointment was just a ploy to get the “female vote”, now that Hillary was completely out […]