Just Another Wordless Wednesday…{Damn Cat Held My See’s Candy Hostage}

[ 6 ] May 4, 2011 |

The Diva did a fundraiser at school for Easter. It was See’s Candy. She sold a lot. Well Daddy made his co-workers buy a lot. She won a great prize. I had laid all the candy out on my bed so I could mark who’s candy was which and Zoe, the beautiful-but-demon-possessed-cat decided that it was all his.

Go ahead, try to eat some candy…I dare you…

For more Wordless Wednesdays/Wordful Wednesdays, please visit 5 Minutes For Mom, and WordlessWednesday.com {HQ}

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Category: Wordless Wednesday

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (6)

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  1. Oh it must be the day for naughty kitties! I was a terror too! Come see what I did at:


    Happy WW to you! 🙂

    Tsunami at Create With Joy
    Create With Joy recently posted..The Reason We Call Him TsunamiMy Profile

  2. If it’s on the bed, my cat lies on it. Lately he’s been partial to the TV remote.

    Cat are weird, spoiled creatures (much like children)

    Happy WW!
    Manic Mommy recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – How Do You Sleep at NightMy Profile

  3. Tara says:

    Smart cat! I’d hold that candy hostage too!
    Tara recently posted..Wordless Wednesday- OpinionatedMy Profile

  4. Faythe says:

    Oh-oh! Kitty would be dead if he was staking claim to my chocolate, LOL!
    Faythe recently posted..sprouting hopeMy Profile

  5. van025 says:

    A smart cat.Love it.I wish I could have a cat
    van025 recently posted..Handling Stress in an Easy WayMy Profile

  6. Shawn Ann @ Shawn Ann's World says:

    OMG what a cute kitty!
    Shawn Ann @ Shawn Ann’s World recently posted..For Two Fitness- Maternity Clothes Baby Bath Blog Event ReviewMy Profile

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