Just Another Wordless Wednesday…The Diva’s 1st Grey Hair

[ 9 ] August 4, 2010 |

Yes, you read that right. My FIVE year old has grey hair. What the hell is that about? She’s FIVE.

At least I was seven when my Big Bro found mine. Heh.

I plucked that sucker out, put it in an envelop and marked it “The Diva’s 1st Grey Hair 8/2/10, Age 5 years 5 months”. Now she has an envelop in her baby book just like her Mama.

Only I was a little older when my grey hair started.

That kid always has to do things early…

PS: Daddy says there is a second grey hair. I haven’t found it. But DAYUM. {See part about kid doing things early above…}

For more Wordless Wednesdays/Wordful Wednesdays, please visit MomDot.com , 5 Minutes For Mom, and WordlessWednesday.com {HQ}

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Category: The Diva, Wordless Wednesday

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (9)

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  1. OMG she’s way too young for gray hairs!
    Shawn Ann @ Shawn Ann’s World recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – BirdMy Profile

  2. I was born with a grey hair 🙂 Nice shot.
    And Miles To Go…. recently posted..Wordless Wednesday 44-The Lemonade StandMy Profile

  3. Don’t pluck it, seven more will grow back in its place. LOL.
    Virginia from Lady V dZine recently posted..Re-birth of Threadless Kids plus giveawayMy Profile

  4. I love that you’re keeping it in an envelope! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. Susan says:

    Grey hair? That sucks. Sure it wasn’t paint? Wishful thinking I guess.
    Susan recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – I love cloudsMy Profile

  6. Shannon says:

    I’ve never heard of that happening. I’d be plucking it, too! And saving it, too! LOL

    Happy WW!
    Shannon recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – My GuysMy Profile

  7. Firefly says:

    That is too early! I got mine at 25 LOL well as far as I know, but who knows maybe I had them before too 😉
    Firefly recently posted..Colors For Your Home What Is In Or OutMy Profile

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