Music That Reminds Me Of…{Autumn}

[ 9 ] September 22, 2010 |

Today I am starting a new meme, Music That reminds Me Of… {insert season/holiday/special occasion here}

We are starting off with Autumn, because it is one of my two favorite seasons. Oh, yeah, and today is the official first day of Autumn. So that was rather serendipitous, wasn’t it?

Music is oftentimes a very visceral thing for me. Lyrics and melody have meaning and can transport me to another space in time altogether. I am one of those rare {Bizarre ?} people for whom memories are very real and tactile. So real, that a recollection can make me see, feel, taste and smell whatever was in the environment that that remembrance was created in. It is very emotive for me.

Autumn and Winter make me happy. I love cool, crisp, overcast days. Rain is one of my favorite sounds in the world. And I love the way the air smells after a good downpour. So clean and fresh. If we had a Spring, I suppose I would love that as well, but we don’t have a real one to speak of. And I cannot stand Summer. Heat makes me sad, bitchy and angry. It does not help matters that we currently live in a house with no central air. 😛

I have always loved Fall. I guess it may be because of all of the movies, TV shows and books I read as a child and teen that always so perfectly described Autumn, that it made you feel like you were there yourself. All the good girl movies come out in the Fall and are usually set in that season as well. Plus I live in SoCal where Autumn is only something you see in pictures and on TV. I have always wanted to live in New England with a huge front yard filled with piles of Autumnal leaves that I can jump into.

Yes, I’m weird. Suck it. You love me anyway.

If you would like to join in, just copy the button from this post and make sure you link back to me. Then sign the linky so others can visit your interpretation of  the music that reminds you of Autumn.

On to my songs…

I love crooners…Sinatra, Deano, Harry Connick, Michael Buble, Norah Jones…there is just something about that genre of music that makes me want to be all warm and snuggly while listening to it. Easy days, watching a grey sky get darker…that’s my kind of life.

My favorite singer/songwriter is Van Morrison. How can you say you are a music lover without liking his music? He is amazing.

Van Morrison – Into The Mystic

Bill Withers – Ain’t No Sunshine

Frank Sinatra – I Get A Kick Out Of You

Norah Jones – Shoot the Moon

For my brown eyed girl…

Van Morrison – Brown Eyed Girl

Van Morrison – Days Like This

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Category: Memes

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (9)

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  1. sarah says:

    love Van Morrison. Great selections
    sarah recently posted..Marlo Thomas Goes DigitalMy Profile

  2. Love Van Morrison too! Into the mystic is one of my favorite songs!
    Bethany Larrabee recently posted..DISNEY’S TINKER BELL AND THE GREAT FAIRY RESCUE on Blu-ray &amp DVD!My Profile

    • Shan says:

      Isn’t he amazing? Van Morrison should be in everybody’s music collection. There is a reason his songs are on the soundtrack of many of the most popular movies.

  3. There, I did it! 🙂
    Not So Average Mama recently posted..Music That Reminds Me Of AutumnMy Profile

  4. Kevin says:

    This always kicks off Autumn for me:

    It just ain’t the holidays without them! Gotta find out when this is on TV this year.
    Kevin recently posted..Cover Letter GeneratorMy Profile

  5. angela says:

    I found this band by accident but these songs by Deas Vail, remind me of autumn/winter.


    Actually pretty much this whole album
    -All The Houses Look The Same

    Hope you enjoy

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