Shan’s Week~End Wordles

[ 4 ] September 27, 2009 |
Welcome to another edition of

You can go get your own copy of Shan’s Week~End Wordles button here.

OK for any newbies, go here to get instructions on how to participate in Shan’s Week~End Wordles {I even added a video tutorial for those of you who are still confused} and please also grab a Shan’s WEW button to post on your site so you can easily link back to the meme.

~*~*~*~This week’sWordles~*~*~*~

My Wordle

As many of you know, I had a bit of trouble with some Blog Trolls this week. Two family members {My SIL and BIL} who have strongly disliked me for over 20 years now {You would think they would get over it already. I’m not going anywhere.} found my blog and went through it with a fine toothed comb. Well, my SIL did, anyway. While she was at work. For two days straight.

Anywho, I believe she was trying to find some ammo from my blog to use against me. And she thought as long as she didn’t comment or otherwise announce herself, I would never know how she got the “damning” information on me. Little did she know that I have a StatCounter that shows me everything! LOL I must have taken the wind out of her sails, because not only did I blog about her trolling activities, I blocked them both from being able to see my blog, from work or home. I’m sure they are both scratching their heads wondering how I did it.

I use Ancient Chinese Secret!

Ain’t technology grand sometimes?

This is what I put into

DING! DONG! The Blog Trolls are dead! The nasty, stupid Blog Trolls are dead! I love that I can block the IP addresses of visitors who have no real reason to be looking at my blog, other than they want to try to dig up some dirt to use against me. But thanks to StatCounter, I saw that they had found me and took away their element of surprise. No sucker punches will be lobbed at my by them anytime soon!

I do, or at least my stellar writing does, in fact, fascinate them. I should be flattered, but praise from them is like getting a gold star from Fidel Castro, Osama Bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. You know they’re evil, you will feel really dirty if you accept it and will then need one of those anti-radiation showers that Meryl Streep got in the movie Silkwood. It’s so not worth your time and effort.

This was the result. Enjoy!

My Blog’s Wordle

This week’s Political/Current Events Wordle

Don’t forget to leave a comment after linking and make sure you visit and comment on everyone’s Shan’s Week~End Wordle posts.

Now go get all those Wordles posted and…


Category: Wordles

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (4)

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  1. LadyStyx says:

    "Blog star dead"??!! Oh my, I certainly hope not. So glad you found a way to get them blocked out although I think I would have left it open just another day to make sure she saw those last couple entries. Then again, I think we've established that I'm a *B*.

  2. I hope your head feels better and the migraines stay far away –

    Thank you to whoever linked me in.

    I think its "Blog Trolls Dead"… And LadyStyx, you aren't a *B* – you are just a nice woman who is mega-frustrated right now.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Well, you can't blame her — or anyone, for that matter — for spending so much time on your blog, especially when they learn they've been "featured" on it. I mean, wouldn't your curiosity get the better of you, too?

    I also have a hidden stat thingamajigy, and it sure can be interesting at times. Of course, I haven't blogged since March, so there's not much there, lol!

  4. Trolls suck, whether you are related to them or not!! Mean people with altogether too much time on their hands create such havoc!!!

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