Will My Life Be Changed In 2010?: Small Talk Six
It’s time, once again, for Small talk Six! On Saturdays presented by MomDot.com. Today’s topic is “6 ways you’ve decided to change your life in 2010“. You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences. 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc…
I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions; I prefer to have goals. Besides how many people have completely cannibalized their resolutions by January 7th?
So here are my goals for 2010, for my real life and my bloggy life. Pray that I actually meet them, please.
1) Get my house and blog/online life clean and organized, reduce clutter and be able to actually find what I need, when I need it.
2) Get the all the seemingly endless amounts of laundry done, folded and put away, so that I can say with absolute honesty, “The laundry is done, man!” .
3) Start making an income online. Either from my blog or from a legitimate online job.
4) Spend more time doing crafts, games and other fun activities with The Diva.
5) Buy a house, get a new mini-van
6) Become a better writer and not be afraid to take some of the writing opportunities I have been offered.
I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions; I prefer to have goals. Besides how many people have completely cannibalized their resolutions by January 7th?
So here are my goals for 2010, for my real life and my bloggy life. Pray that I actually meet them, please.
1) Get my house and blog/online life clean and organized, reduce clutter and be able to actually find what I need, when I need it.
2) Get the all the seemingly endless amounts of laundry done, folded and put away, so that I can say with absolute honesty, “The laundry is done, man!” .
3) Start making an income online. Either from my blog or from a legitimate online job.
4) Spend more time doing crafts, games and other fun activities with The Diva.
5) Buy a house, get a new mini-van
6) Become a better writer and not be afraid to take some of the writing opportunities I have been offered.
Category: Memes
Sounds like your goals are pretty similar to some of mine. Just remember you can do ANYTHING! yOU JUST GOT TO WORK FOR IT!
gRRR..you know I hate commenting with my google account!
LOVE, Not SO Average Mama!
How do you like your year so far? And I love you, thought you should know that!
.-= Brittany´s last blog ..Jon Lajoie #2 =-.