Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep…: Small Talk Six
It’s time, once again, for Small talk Six! On Saturdays. Today’s topic is “the last 6 things you do before you close your eyes at night“. You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences. 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc…
This is going to be pretty boring…
1) Turn off the PC (And take all the crap that is on my bed off and put it back in my desk chair)
2) Pee
3) Check to see if The Diva is covered up
4) Take off my sweats (or shorts, depending on the weather) because I cannot sleep if my body is too hot. Or if my feet are hot.
5) Turn off the T.V.
6) Pee, again.
7) Get in bed and try to get comfy. I then try to ignore my Husband’s loud-as-a-damn-buzz-saw snoring and say my nightly prayers. Sometimes I am so tired, though that I fall asleep during my praying. Funny thing is, when I wake up in the morning, I remember exactly where I left off. 😛
That’s my boring ass nighttime routine. Well sometimes I get into bed, start my prayers and Hubby starts to get frisky. But that is a story that will never be published on my blog or anywhere on the Internet.
Category: Memes
I cannot sleep with it too hot or my feet are hot either!!! Makes me crazy. I normally have cold feet but at night – I like that!
.-= Brittany´s last blog ..Before falling asleep =-.
That’s why you’re my Boo! <3
LOL Yah, some nightly routine stuff just shouldn’t be published. You’re exactly like me on your #1 only I didn’t include that in my list. Great blog. I’ll have to come back more often. 😛
Aww, thanks for the compliment!
Hey, that’s 7! Or are you only counting the multiple peeing as one item…?! And I agree – being hot is unbearable!
.-= bubbleboo´s last blog ..To Sleep, Perchance to Dream =-.
Yeah, sometimes I’m a rebel. 😛