Yes, I’m Alive. I’m Just Busy. {Asylum Announcements}

[ 3 ] April 30, 2010 |

So I figured I should actually post something on my blog so that you all don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. I have just been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. I have been finally getting my Shan’s Shreds off the ground a bit and making a bit of money. Mostly from Blogger to WordPress switches. I actually like doing them. I get to give a client a great blogging platform, learn a new theme without buying it and also learn several different hosting platforms…and know which ones are good (Hostgator, FatCow) and which ones BLOW (DreamHost).

My last completed switch was for Candace at “Deal”ectible Mommies. She’s fabulous. And I customized the ever loving crap out of that Thesis theme. 😛 I have one more thing to  do, but the font plugin does not understand that it needs to bend to my will, not it’s own. 😀

I am currently working on another WordPress switch and theme customization. The switch is completed, but we are still waiting for her header so that I can begin customizing her theme and make her a matching background. The blog is currently nekkid, so I am not going to reveal it yet. I also have another WP switch that I have been working on, but this is not a normal kind of import. This customer is on a blogging platform called DoodleKit and I have to use the RSS feed of her blog to import it into WP. Problem is that, DoodleKit {Which is a giant POS and totally hoses it’s customers in fees. Run, run far away from this place. Never let any of your friends blog on DoodleKit. Ever.} does not want to give my client the back up of her site because they say they own it. I says she pays $30/month and should be able to get a current database back up one time. It’s been interesting. It is a very complicated thing to do this from an RSS feed. And I don’t want to screw this up. This woman truly deserves a beautiful blog and a great platform to blog from. I intend to give that to her.

I also have a couple of headers, two theme switches/customizations and a few Blogger clients to finish up with. So yeah, I’m a busy girl. But it feels good to work and make money. I have a steady monthly goal in mind. I’ll let you know when I reach it. 🙂

So do any of you still want to participate in Shan’s Week~End Wordles? I know it has been forever since I posted one, but I have had so much going on, both personally and online, that I just kind of ran out of steam. My Wordles posts do take a while to get up because I am so particular about how they look, how the colors blend…or don’t. But I will have one up tomorrow morning if anyone is still interested. {Please???}

The Asylum will also be getting a face lift soon. I am putting the snow away for a while and going with a watery design. That’s all I’m going to say for now.

Stay tuned.

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Category: Asylum Announcements

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (3)

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  1. Victoria says:

    Good for you Shan! Thanks for the update!

  2. sarah says:

    Yay for being busy. I will have to check out this wordle not sure what that is but sounds fun =)

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