This Is How To NOT Be A Successful Realtor
I saw a link on a friend’s FaceBook status last night and clicked it because her description was so intriguing. I nearly died laughing when I read the post. This is yet another reason I call the general public The Free Range Stupid™.
This is how to NOT be a successful realtor:
We have a camera/audio (nanny camish) on our laptop at home. (Don’t ask, my dh is paranoid). Anyway, we rent and the owner asked if his realtor could come over to take a few pictures because he’s thinking of selling after we leave in May. We said ok, so my dh left the camera on and the realtor and her assistant are totally groping each other and kissing on the floor of our living room. My dh just called to tell me. OMG!, There’s audio too and it records!!!. They stopped and didn’t go pass kissing but WTF. (They also b*tched that we had a baby and how the second bedroom is not as appealing as a nursery)
My dh wants to email the realtor the video. HAHA!
Bonus: The realtor is married and not to her assistant.
Now if it were me, I would post the video on YouTube, send a copy to my landlord AND let the hobag realtor know I have it and am not afraid to use it. How classless do you have to be to use a client’s house for your illicit liaisons with your assistant? Oh and check out this woman’s outfit. Those shoes are more suited for a ho out on the track or a stripper on a pole than a realtor.
Theses are stills from the video the woman’s nanny cam caught and someone then made into an animation.
I hope she is outed for not only being the cheater she is, but for being completely unprofessional. The California housing market is tough right now. If and when she gets exposed, I hope she understands that every one of her clients, past and present, will be wondering if she did the same thing in their house.
And bleaching every possible inch of their homes. And possibly burning their carpets and mattresses. I know I would.
I would most definitely not want someone with such horrible ethics handling the sale or purchase of my family’s home.
Category: I Got Your Funny Right Here!, The Free Range Stupid
Oh man! I was hoping we got to hear audio!
Slightly fitting she is wearing a bright red dress. Scarlett letter and all.
Carrie recently posted..Which One Do You Like
Yeah, I’m still waiting to see if she actually uploads the video to YouTube. LOL
That is completely unprofessional of the Realtor. Like you said now the homeowner is going to need to burn the furniture. Also now you don’t know where those business cards she hands out have been.
I didn’t even think about the biz cards. EEEWWWW. That’s nasty. LOL