Hello, It’s Cold

[ 7 ] January 13, 2013 |

And yes I do mean it’s cold here in SoCal. Really, truly, bitterly cold. If we were located a bit more north or east, it would be snowing. Or we’d have ice. So, no, it’s not always sunny and 75 degrees here in Southern California. Most of the time it’s hot as hell, but for the moment, it’s freezing. Currently it’s 35 degrees. Or 2 degrees Celsius.

That’s snow weather! It’s not normal for my neck of the woods.

Remember all those times I said Mother Nature needed to take her hormones and that she was a PMS’ing psycho bitch? Yeah, I’m pretty damn sure she’s not pleased with those statements and is now trying to freeze us out.

The hobag could just let it snow here, but noooo. We get dry and freezing cold temps. And no damn snow.

This was the forecast on Thursday:

Freezing January 2013


This was the forecast yesterday afternoon:

Freezing January 2013 - 2


Hello, it’s cold.

NINE DEGREES??? I realize that’s not the actual temperature, but it’s going to feel like it, so same difference. My nipples are going to freeze off. Our house is old. There is no insulation in the walls and we have ONE wall heater. In the living room.

I predict frostbite in places I didn’t know I had places.

Mother Nature’s a real twat.

Just sayin’.

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Category: Thoughts, WTF?? File

About the Author ()

I'm Shan and I 'm the creator of The Asylum and a magnet for The Free Range Stupid™. I'm a little nutty, a lot sarcastic and pretty damn smart. I am also a graphic designer, blog coder, virtual assistant, free lance writer and can whip you up a killer resume, media kit or press release that would make others green with envy. Go to Skewed Design Studios to check out my services. You won't be disappointed.

Comments (7)

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  1. LadyStyx says:

    Yeah, I hear ya. No fun when temps get that cold and there’s really nothing to show for it except frozen nips. Been in the 40-50 range during the day and roughly in the 20s at night here.
    LadyStyx recently posted..Some info and prayers neededMy Profile

    • Shan says:

      It seems like someone flipped a switch here. The east coast is warm and the west coast is freezing.

      Someone’s all discombobulated.

      I do think I could handle the cold a bit better if we had snow — at least then there would be a reason for it. But just bone chilling cold and wind with no rain or anything? It sucks.
      Shan recently posted..Hello, It’s ColdMy Profile

  2. Oh no! Yikes, with just a wall heater! Hang in there, whew, I feel for you. It is freezing where I am now, but at least we have full heat. Hope you make it okay!

  3. I hears you were getting hit over there! I’m in SC where it gets into the 30’s at night and 50’s during the day and I hate it but it’s better than my days of living in Syracuse NY!

  4. Mandy says:

    Well, I’m late to the game but I hope you haven’t frozen to death by now. LOL! The weather IS super wacky lately.

  5. Shaun Hoobler says:

    Oh my goodness, so you also feel it! We need to wear for the condition. Make a visit to the nearest shopping mall in town and get yourself a cardigan.

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